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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

It's Official . . . We Have a Rooster

After weeks of speculating, it is official. We do have at least one rooster in our midst. Our suspicions were confirmed the other day when Lauren heard a strange crowing noise coming from the chicken pen. She wasn't looking at the chickens at the time and didn't know who it was.

Then, yesterday morning Earl and I heard the crowing, too. We've been suspecting that the former Rosita (now Rocky) and/or the former Stephanie (now Rambo) are roosters. So, based on the crowing, we've been waiting to find out which one of the two of them is the boy.

This morning the crowing began again around 8am when I went outside to take out the garbage. I slid back the cover on the chicken pen and watched to see who was crowing. One crow . . .

It wasn't Rocky.

"Nope, not me."


So I waited . . .

Another crow . . .

It wasn't Rambo.


At this point I'm thinking, "You've GOT to be kidding me!"

A few more crows came and went before I was able to lay eyes on the rooster. Big surprise, it was none other than . . .



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