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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Two New Chicks PLUS a New Pen & Roosting Area

New chick: "Janice" (White Rock)

New chick . . . "Yasmine" (Light Brahma #2)

Our two newest chicks.

Yes, I've gone a little nuts with the chicken buying. Last Saturday, Earl and I went to the feed store and came home with two more chickens. I wanted to get another Light Brahma in case Chloe turns out to be a rooster. While we were there we saw a pen full of older chicks. They looked so lonely and unwanted (just plain white chickens) that we decided to bring one of them home too (in theory, to replace Rosita, who is most likely a rooster).

The chicks enjoying their new big pen.

We now have a bigger pen for the chickens so they can all live together. Earl collected some free materials on Saturday and we put most of the pen together before Earl had to leave for Anchorage for a gig. Dad came in to our house to help me finish the pen later that night. Of course, his carpentry skills accomplished far more than I could have, and the pen now has a door on hinges and a reinforced floor.

When we were working on the pen Saturday night, Dad and I discussed the need for chickens to have perches on which to roost . . . . Apparently, Dad had been thinking about this topic since then and showed up at our house this morning with a bunch of natural materials to construct a chicken roosting area. The pictures tell the story. While I napped on the couch, Earl and Dad went to work building the roost. It looks really nice, and the chicks are beginning to use it.

Chloe practicing her perching skills.

Chloe and Rachel


  1. haha! i like the roost. good idea grandpa. you better be careful with the chicken buying, you might end up with too many chickens and no room for them! :)

  2. I have trouble controlling my chicken-buying, but I do think I'm done. We should have lots and lots of eggs though!
