April 22, 2010
We have a new waterer that Earl and I were having difficulty getting to work properly. Both Dad and Doug ended up stopping by today and they couldn't resist fiddling around with it and figuring out the issue. They, of course, solved the problem. I've decided in order to fix any problems with construction, math or any other mind-bogging issues that you need to involve the help of an aviator. It must be something in the blood.
Inspecting their handiwork.
"This is the lid."
Mom waiting patiently in the car. "I thought we were leaving!"
One more test.
"Ooohhhmmmm." A little chick meditation for Emma.
Now for a chick photo update . . . (Yasmine and Chloe got a little extra camera time)
Stephanie (what a beautiful tail)
Rosita (aka Rocky?) check out that rooster comb
Janice (how pretty is she?)
Gretel (caught in mid-blink)
Ellen "Excuse me, but did you notice the CATS behind me?"
Chloe (check out those wild legs!!)
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
Chick Therapy
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Ankle Mishap
A routine visit yesterday to feed the horse turned out badly. I fed and brushed the horse (springtime shedding is fully underway) and then wanted to brush around his ears, which he does not like. I tried a few times to brush the area, but Downy kept tossing his head back. I decided I'd just get the halter and lead rope so I'd have more control of the situation.
A few attempts to brush his ear area were no more successful with the halter than without it. Then I got the "bright" idea that I could simply "encourage" Downy to lower his head by pulling firmly down on the lead rope. Once I got his head down to about my chest level he lifted quickly up with his head, lifting me off the ground in the process. When I landed I realized that I had rolled my left ankle and was feeling a twinge of pain in the outside of the ankle. I limped a few steps over to where Downy was, finished brushing his head (which he finally stood calmly for) and tried walking away.
It was of no use. By now I could feel my ankle swelling inside my boot and the pain was unbearable when I put weight on the foot.
I called Dad and he came to my rescue. Though I was having some luck hopping around the paddock and barn area, there was no chance I would have made it to my car due to a glacier of ice that stood in my way. Dad emptied the wheelbarrow and put the feed tub away for me and then loaded me into the wheelbarrow and wheeled me to my car.
Downy inspecting his handiwork.
"Yes, Downy that's where it's broken."
Swollen ankle
Can you find the break?
A few attempts to brush his ear area were no more successful with the halter than without it. Then I got the "bright" idea that I could simply "encourage" Downy to lower his head by pulling firmly down on the lead rope. Once I got his head down to about my chest level he lifted quickly up with his head, lifting me off the ground in the process. When I landed I realized that I had rolled my left ankle and was feeling a twinge of pain in the outside of the ankle. I limped a few steps over to where Downy was, finished brushing his head (which he finally stood calmly for) and tried walking away.
It was of no use. By now I could feel my ankle swelling inside my boot and the pain was unbearable when I put weight on the foot.
I called Dad and he came to my rescue. Though I was having some luck hopping around the paddock and barn area, there was no chance I would have made it to my car due to a glacier of ice that stood in my way. Dad emptied the wheelbarrow and put the feed tub away for me and then loaded me into the wheelbarrow and wheeled me to my car.
Downy inspecting his handiwork.
"Yes, Downy that's where it's broken."
Swollen ankle
Can you find the break?
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Two New Chicks PLUS a New Pen & Roosting Area
New chick: "Janice" (White Rock)
New chick . . . "Yasmine" (Light Brahma #2)
Our two newest chicks.
Yes, I've gone a little nuts with the chicken buying. Last Saturday, Earl and I went to the feed store and came home with two more chickens. I wanted to get another Light Brahma in case Chloe turns out to be a rooster. While we were there we saw a pen full of older chicks. They looked so lonely and unwanted (just plain white chickens) that we decided to bring one of them home too (in theory, to replace Rosita, who is most likely a rooster).
The chicks enjoying their new big pen.
We now have a bigger pen for the chickens so they can all live together. Earl collected some free materials on Saturday and we put most of the pen together before Earl had to leave for Anchorage for a gig. Dad came in to our house to help me finish the pen later that night. Of course, his carpentry skills accomplished far more than I could have, and the pen now has a door on hinges and a reinforced floor.
When we were working on the pen Saturday night, Dad and I discussed the need for chickens to have perches on which to roost . . . . Apparently, Dad had been thinking about this topic since then and showed up at our house this morning with a bunch of natural materials to construct a chicken roosting area. The pictures tell the story. While I napped on the couch, Earl and Dad went to work building the roost. It looks really nice, and the chicks are beginning to use it.
Chloe practicing her perching skills.
Chloe and Rachel
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Chicken Update
New photos of the chicks. I'm suspecting that some roosters are afoot in our flock. I hope I'm wrong, but Rosita and Chloe in particular are beginning to exhibit some very rooster-like characteristics. We shall see . . .
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