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Friday, June 25, 2010

Getting Shavings With Small Children

Yesterday, Steph and I (with Dylan and Marina) went to get more shavings. I warned Steph of the mountain of shavings that awaited us at the lumber mill, and how her kids should probably take off their shoes to prevent shavings from getting all over their socks and in their shoes.

They followed this advice . . . but then proceeded to lie down and cover themselves in the shavings. As Steph and I worked filling bags, we'd look up and see the kids running along the top ridge of Mt. Shavings. Occasionally, we'd see them leap off the back side and disappear, filling the air with squeals of delight.

With the heat of the day and all the running around, they got quite sweaty. They eventually went home and showered to remove all the little particles of sawdust from their hair and everywhere else.

Ah, to be a child . . .

Using the Hen House -- FINALLY!!

Tonight Emma and I put the chickens in their new house. I moved some scrap lumber first (with Emma's help, of course). We then were getting ready to move the chickens into the hen house when it began pouring down. And I mean POURING, complete with thunder and lightning. Once we were in full swing we didn't want to stop. After it was all done we felt good.

The chickens are now safely inside their house, preening and roosting in comfort.

Drenched, but happy.

All the girls in their new home.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Poor Rambo

This morning around 8:00 am Rambo really found his rooster voice. I immediately put him in the large dog kennel in the garage. He's been languishing (and crowing) there ever since. I reluctantly made up a sale flier that will go up at the local feed store. I hope we're able to find him a good home. We will definitely miss him. :(

Poor Rambo!

When Earl got home today he surprised us by walking in with Rambo in his arm. I guess he took pity on the little guy and thought he deserved some time outside of the kennel.

Later in the evening, I put the hens out in the back yard for a little bug-chasing and grass-eating time. I added Rambo to the mix and he stayed quiet. He's back outside in the pen and will spend the night with the ladies.

Friday, June 18, 2010

New Hen House & Pizza Party With Chickens

Yesterday we had a contractor begin work on our hen house. Today I took some pictures of the building progress. I think this is probably the most well-constructed hen house we could have had. These chickens should be very happy . . . I know I am.

Before: The side of the hen house that shows where the nesting boxes will be.

After: The nesting box side. They have two lift-up lids for egg-gathering from outside the house. Lauren got a little serious painting done, added a couple of hand prints and left.

A bit more paint has been added.

One of my painter-helpers (Emma) hard at work.

Before: A view inside, showing nesting box openings.

After: With paint and a window on the outside and insulation inside.

Before: Another inside view of the nest box side.

After: With insulation.

Before: West side of the hen house.

After: West side of house with a window and some paint.


Later in the evening, after the builders left, Grandma, Grandpa, Marina and Dylan came with pizza for dinner. We all sat in the back yard with the chickens and ate our dinner. Once the chickens discovered that we had food they became quite interested in us.

Rambo flew up to share Grandma's chair with her. She was quite thrilled, as you can see.

Rambo perched happily on Grandma's chair.




Marina and Buffy

Chickens visiting Grandpa and Grandma and begging for food.

Grandpa holding everyone's favorite chicken, Georgine (formerly Beauregard)

Such a nice man and a nice little chicken

Grandpa & Emma with Georgine and Rachel

Dylan & Georgine

Chloe relaxing on Emma's lap

Chloe listening to Emma sing to her.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

More Changes to the Flock

Yesterday we found out that Rambo was officially a rooster. He crowed a bit in the morning and strutted his stuff. So far, we're keeping him because he's such a nice, friendly bird. We'll see how it goes.

Rambo -- now officially a rooster!


Now for the newest additions to the flock . . . (I'll continue to blame these new guys on Lauren. Though she and I should both be banned from entering the chick barn at the feed store!) The new chicks are: 3 Ameraucanas, 1 Gold Laced Wyandotte, 1 Buff Orpington and 1 Rhode Island Red.


Sophia (Buff Orpington)

Penelope (Ameraucana)

Joanna (Rhode Island Red)

Emma (Ameraucana)

Marina (Gold Laced Wyandotte) compare her picture to the one below. The picture below is of Rachel who was supposed to be a Gold Laced Wyandotte. We still don't know what breed of chicken Rachel is. At first I thought she might be a Buckeye, but now I'm wondering if she might be a New Hampshire Red. In addition to being the wrong color, her comb is a small single and not a rose comb like a Wyandotte's. Either way, she's a pullet and will lay eggs.

Rachel as a chick, and below, as an adult. Definitely NOT a Gold Laced Wyandotte.

The picture below is of a Gold Laced.

Here is what a Gold Laced Wyandotte hen is supposed to look like.
Photo by Andy Vardy, Melbourne National 1995


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Flock Update

We've had some more changes in our little flock. Rosita/Rocky (the jury is still out as to whether or not she is a he or not) became too aggressive toward Chandler and Olivia (she must have had something against Ameraucanas), so we found her a new home yesterday.

Rosita/Rocky gone to a new home.

Now that Rosita is gone, the flock is much happier. The chickens get out nearly every day for a little time in the grass. Here are some pictures taken today.


Rachel, who is not a Gold Laced Wyandotte after all; we don't know what kind of chicken she is. She's a hen and that's all I care about.

Back in the pen after some time in the yard. The chickens seem to know when they've had enough free time. They'll all come running back to the pen and hit the feeder and get some water.

Left to right: Chloe, Yasmine and Rachel

"Mom, did you call us?"

Left to right: Janice, Monica, Chandler and Olivia

These four didn't want to leave the pen area and stayed here the entire time the rest of the flock were roaming the back yard.