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Friday, March 26, 2010

The Great Chicken Adventure

Those who know the Hughes family are aware of our abundance of animals. We have creatively managed to cram a multitude of critters into our small house. Currently, our family includes two guinea pigs (Daisy and Frolic), two cats (Doodle and Beeswax), two parrots (Powder and Elliot), one mouse (Penelope), one horse (Downy --who lives at Grandma and Grandpa's house) and the most recent additions . . . (drum roll please) . . . CHICKENS.

Mom Hughes (the true animal lover) has always wanted to own chickens, so here we go!

Meet the Chicks . . .

Chandler (Ameraucana)

Olivia (Ameraucana)

Dory (Ameraucana)

Phoebe (Australorp)

Ursula (Australorp)

Gretel (Bantam)

Beauregard (Bantam)

Stephanie (Bantam)

Ellen (Barred Rock)

Buffy (Buff Orpington)

Rachel (Gold Wyandotte)

Chloe (Light Brahma)

Rosita (Rhode Island Red)

Monica (Silver Wyandotte)

All the chickens are going to be brown egg-layers, except for the Ameraucanas, which will lay blue or bluish-green eggs ("Easter Eggs"). We are excited about the prospect of having delicious, fresh eggs as early as mid- to late August.

As soon as things thaw outside, we will begin building the coop and putting up chicken fencing.

Stay tuned for updates.